Titles: Fork In The Road
Animal Farm 2.0
Grocery Shopping During a Pandemic
Matfield Green The Game
Cow VR: An Analysys of the Digital Divide Through the Eyes of Livestock
%C2%A9 2023 Cory McKague
Cory McKague
Fork in the Road
Animal Farm 2.0
Grocery Shopping During a Pandemic
Matfield Green the Game
Cow VR: An Analysys of the Digital Divide Through the Eyes of Livestock
This short, fictionalized narrative unpacks the cyclical control of industrialized labor in hopes to address the labor gap and the class divide.
Interactive Fiction
Extends the Orwellian story post democratic enlightenment into a modern reflection.
The distant future of 2030 where the agricultural monopoly Monsanto has reduced everything to the holy trinity of corn, wheat and soy. Can you find a way out?
A reflection upon my experience grocery shopping during the dawn of the pandemic, expressing the paranoia and refraction of the hyper-individualized identity.
A short point and click adventure derived during an artist residency in Matfield Green, KS. A 90s retro reflective that creates personal connections to a town affected by the digital divide
The next submission is just clips from an interactive virtual reality cow simulator. If this is of interest, or if needed I can look into providing a playable/sharible version.
This work was inspired by several tabloid articles found of Russian dairy farmers using virtual reality to aid in milk production at the start of the pandemic. As our own access the world shifted online, I saw these articles as a metaphor for our own existence. This project questions the relationship between the virtual and the real and gamification's lulification in the extraction of data as a new resource for labor and commerce.
an interview about the project that was showcased at the National Tallgrass Prairie Preserve this summer can be listened to here:
The following is a series of short 2D video games that can be played through a website. The intersection of game art in fine art is further associated through the use of critical narratives. I am interested in the shareability and accessibility of this media. Inspired by the post structuralist notions of collaborative authorship, transference of spectatorship and art activation through audience interaction, this media extends the experienced time by emphasizing the power and authority of the viewer.

The following are listed with their titles and still shots. The games can be played through the attached link.