Xuedan Zou is currently a master student majoring in Computer Science with a concentration in Digital Arts at Dartmouth College. He holds his bachelor degree from Hunan University, China majoring in Industrial Design and Computer Science. He has spent years into the intersection between tech and art, and worked with people from different backgrounds like engineer, design and art. He received tuition scholarship, Leslie center student research fellowship and Hopkins arts integration grant from Dartmouth College. He is now working at Empowerment Lab at Dartmouth College as a research assistant in HCI and keep exploring possibilities human can interact with the computer, and how digital tools can effect traditional art creativity.
PIXEL: Interactive Light System Design Based On Simple Gesture Recognition
In this project, by utilizing the real-time human gestures captured by Kinect, I attempted to provide a self-made interactive light system PIXEL for interacting with the visitor to play a simple SNAKE game. By paralleling the low power single color LED lights and lighting up them separately or together, I provided a big LED board with multiple colors while at the time safe enough without using high tension electricity. I analysed the factors that influence the final visual effect of the light pixel, the novel gestures that can be recognized well by current computer vision algorithms and did several experiments to decide the final interactive method. I believe this project provides a way to help people reconsider the relationship between the old and the new and the possibility to bring old things reborn by the new technologies.
In this system, there is a Kinect placed on the Arcade. It can collect the person's real-time skeleton data (with its depth information) and tell the laptop. The laptop then computes the image output result through the codes and give the feedback to the microprocessor, which controls on and off of each single LED. Finally the person notice the interactive result and do the next step, the process iterates again.
In general, our interactive journey goes as the following. In the beginning the pixel creature on the screen will follow the user. And if the user holds up his hand and turns the hand from open to close then the stuffs on the
screen will be changed. The screen shows a random pixel creature or a GAME OF LIFE anime. Come close enough and the system will jump into the SNAKE Game mode. First the user holds up one side of hand (left or right) then the direction of forearm will lead the snake to move. The velocity of the snake will increase gradually as the score goes higher. After the player dies in the game, the final score will scroll on the screen and the journey begins from the start.
Using a whole new way to interactive with the past things, please try to consider the relationship between the past and the future. If it is possible to bring the old things reborn by the new technologies? And feel the consistent humanism thoughts under the fast growing technologies.
PIXEL: Interactive Light System Design Based On Simple Gesture Recognition
%C2%A9 2023 Daniel Zou
Daniel Zou