Computer art and virtual reality are powerful tools for artists to create and explore alternative forms of creative expression. These mediums allow for an unprecedented level of control over the result and offer endless possibilities for experimentation and innovation. The medium can range from digital painting and 3D modeling to algorithmic and generative art, providing artists with a vast array of creative options. Virtual reality offers an immersive experience that can transport viewers to other worlds, enabling artists to create new environments and interactions. The convergence of these two mediums has led to the creation of incredible alternative forms of art that blur the lines between the digital and physical worlds. However, it is important to acknowledge that computer art and virtual reality are not without their limitations. Technology is developing, and it can be difficult for artists to keep up with the latest developments. These
mediums can be inaccessible to some artists because of their cost or technical requirements. Despite these challenges, computer art and virtual reality are changing the way we think about art and creativity. They are enabling artists to push the boundaries of what is possible and to create works that challenge our perceptions and engage us in new and exciting ways.
The cyborg ontology for humans is becoming clearer and clearer and expanding exponentially
from the seemingly "innocent" days of Web 01 in the early 1990s. Now almost every human on
the planet has their reality altered, enhanced, or impacted by digital technologies. As they
facilitate next level ecosystems of biology and consciousness and commerce. We see this
evolutionary trending in the advent and implementation of Web3, AI, and the Blockchain.This
image is a metaphor for our hybrid living, for the moment, along a spectrum from partially to
complete immersion in a virtual or meta-verse reality.
Title: Orkidyas
%C2%A9 2023 Edwin Cuenco
Edwin Cuenco