The four emotions that I choose to represent as character are Anger, Guilt, Happiness, and Jealously. while creating these characters I picked colors and different elements that I thought best suited the emotion. For Anger his main color was red and I incorporated both fire and a chain into his design. This was to represent the overwhelming explosive nature of anger and how it locks you in. guilt's colors are purple and red to show the draining nature of guilt. The spikes are to protect them after being previously hurt. Jealousy's green colors and one eye comes from stories I've read as a kid that had described jealousy as a green-eyed monster that takes one over when too jealous. Finally, Happiness is supposed to represent the sun and their warm glowy colors are supposed to represent the sun's warms and the good feeling that come with happiness.
Titles: Guilt Anger Happiness Jealousy Love Fear Collective Emotions Sadness %C2%A9 2023 Alexis Winnett