Your Way Or My Way of Governance?
Why Why Why?
The African Pot
Extended Family System
The Worship
Governance in Africa is complicated. Some parts of the continent practiced a monarchial form of governance, others dictatorship, revolution, colonial rule and then transitioning to democracy or a republic.
The pendant expresses frustration and destruction in terms of economic and socio-economic difficulties in Africa. Africa has abundant mineral resources yet remains "poor" due to bad governance.
The map of Africa shows three layers suggesting the different types of governance. The holes in the tarnished copper represent the frustrations and wars on the continent. The pot signifies the brewing of the wisdom of chieftaincy in African and her strong cultural heritage, which need to be harnessed.
Methods employed include piercing, soldering, tube forming, and forging.
Materials used- Copper, Brass, and Nickel. (13.0x10.5x3.5) cm Chain 60cm
The necklace literally is a "question mark", which represents the crying calls of women and children of Africa. Women and children are often the ones who suffer most when civil wars and other political upheavals occur. They also suffer because of questionable traditions including female mutilation. The concept Why Why Why? is based on the huge columns and well-arranged stones on the floors of the castle and ancient architectural buildings in the historic town of Elmina, Ghana where I grew up.
The tear drop represents the tears of the afflicted and the affected who are asking the question Why Why Why Africa? The cylindrical tubes reference the bullets used to kill.
Methods employed include piercing, soldering, tube forming, forging, and the use of the hydraulic press.
Material used - Copper, Brass, and Nickel. (28.5 x 15.5 x 2.0) cm Chain 60cm
The concept behind the design and fabrication of The African Pot necklace is based on the importance of pots in African socio-cultural life. The pot is used for brewing, cooking, storing, and carrying items. Adinkra symbols, which reference compositions from African culture and traditions, were incorporated in The African Pot concept to highlight the numerous ways pots are used in the African tradition. African artworks, signifies a way of life that permeates conception, birth, puberty rites, marriage, death, burial, and funerals.
The cylindrical hands and the platform signify how the African protects the pot
Methods employed include piercing, soldering, tube forming, and forging.
Materials used- Copper, Brass, and Nickel (7.5 x 6.5 x 6.5) cm Chain 60cm
The Extended necklace compares the western type of family system where the elderly is housed in homecare facilities (to be taken care of by people who are not family members) to the African system where the elderly lives with family members at home. The nugget represents the elderly in an African society surrounded by the rings which reference family members who are available to offer physical, economic, and social assistance. The rings do not surround the nugget, showing that the elderly will be taken care of till he or she passes.
Extended families support is integral to African culture because it is believed that support leads to were are highly beneficial because they led to less economic troubles and a more effective way to raise children. As a result of urbanization, higher education, and industrialization, western societies have decreased the care extended to elderly members.
Methods employed include piercing, soldering, tube forming, and forging.
Materials used - Copper, Brass, and Nickel (7.5 x6.5x4.0) cm Chain 54cm
The Extended necklace compares the western type of family system where the elderly is housed in homecare facilities (to be taken care of by people who are not family members) to the African system where the elderly lives with family members at home. The nugget represents the elderly in an African society surrounded by the rings which reference family members who are available to offer physical, economic, and social assistance. The rings do not surround the nugget, showing that the elderly will be taken care of till he or she passes.
Extended families support is integral to African culture because it is believed that support leads to were are highly beneficial because they led to less economic troubles and a more effective way to raise children. As a result of urbanization, higher education, and industrialization, western societies have decreased the care extended to elderly members.
Methods employed include piercing, soldering, tube forming, and forging.
Materials used - Copper, Brass, and Nickel (7.5 x6.5x4.0) cm Chain 54cm
Patrick Awotwe is an artist from Ghana and his art works in metals reflect various aspects of his cultural heritage. He is fascinated by visual arts and digital technology. His academic journey both in visual arts and technology has encouraged and engaged his curiosity to utilize captivating Ghanaian cultural symbols like Adinkra. He uses the Adinkra symbols to inform and define his studies and knowledge of motifs and symbols to echo the ethos of Ghana. He explores Adinkra symbols to tell stories through necklaces, pendants, and other jewelry products. The necklace, as an example, rests above the chest, near the human heart and visible to the viewer as a means to propagate sociopolitical, historical, and cultural issues in Ghana and Africa in general.Patrick holds Masters of Fine Arts (MFA) and Master of Technology, both from the University of North Dakota (UND) in the United States, and an undergraduate degree from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and technology in Kumasi Ghana. He majored in metalsmithing and jewelry, and has obtained over a decade of metal and jewelry practice. He also has considerable work experience and knowledge as a museum and gallery researcher and curator.If you want to know more about the artist, please send an Email.
Thank you
Titles: The African Pot
Extended Family System
Why Why Why?
Your Way or My Way of Governance?
%C2%A9 2023 Patrick Awotwe
Patrick Awotwe